Friday, November 21, 2014

Question 3 

Millions of people around the world are entertained for hours by the television. The television is an invention made by mankind that airs vast amount of shows. Many people watch television, and are at often times eager for the next episode of whatever they watch. Ehrenreich ponders on the odd television world, a world where people do not spend hours on watching television- a world where people always have something new happening everyday. Many people watch television because it is like an alternate dimension, another portal to a place where a person isn't always that person- the person is someone else. Ehrenreich's assertions are refutable to some degree. Televisions are great, but people just tend to sacrifice so much for so little entertainment.

Televisions were made with the general purpose of entertaining. It can cheer our moods on a blue gloomy day, or keep us occupied when we are bored to the brink of death. The people in the Television realm are working to entertain viewers, to draw you in, to consume you. Ehrenreich states that you will never see people "watching television" on television. Indeed, you will not see such things because there is no thrill or entertainment in doing so. Remember, the general purpose of a Television. Televising episode after episodes of actors watching a television will not draw in viewers. Eventually, it will shut the show down, which is not what the broadcasters are planning to do.

Ehrenreich brings up the fact that people on television do not do what we do in our daily lives. The Television world is not planning to act such things out unless for informative reasons such as a documentary of some sort. A television show might be about, for example, a high school student. Our society requires us to live a life of repetition. People do the same things over and over, day by day, sort of like a routine. The television industry will not air a show where a high school student attends school, arrives home, finishes his/her homework, eats, sleeps, only to repeat. There will be little bits of events happening here and there, but it won't be much to talk about. The television industry will not air a show that depicts an average high school student's life. There has to be a hook in the show that separates the show from the others.

Ehrenreich's is negative about the television. The television is a tool created by mankind too serve us, whether it be to entertain us, inform us of the latest news, or feeding our knowledge with documentaries. The negative trait of the television would be its potential to make watchers addicted. People become slaves to the television, being unproductive with their lives. This can be controlled by practicing proper time management. Most television shows are about 30 minutes to an hour in length. The industry expects people to manage their own times. Sacrificing one or two shows daily can help people be more productive in their personal lives.

The television is probably one of the greatest inventions. It serves a variety of purposes, from keeping us entertained to informing us with documentaries, from showing the daily news to teaching us morals. Doubting the television isn't a good idea. Addiction may occur but it is curable. To deny the benefits of the television can make you seem like a foolish person. 

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that while reading your work, you continuously repeated the same word ("television"). In an attempt to better your work, you might want to try using a larger variety of words. The lack of diversity in vocabulary would reveal to readers (AP Examineers) that you dont have a sophisticated vocab.
